Changing customer behavior and increasing demands on user experience also mean that systems in use in Purchasing and Retail Finance need to be constantly adapted. At TARGOBANK Autobank, modernization of the solution implemented six years ago by afb Application Services was also on the agenda.
The partnership between TARGOBANK Autobank and afb Application Services has now existed for ten years. In 2015, the application and credit decision system TABEA (TARGOBANK Autobank Purchasing and Retail Finance) was jointly implemented. Since then, TARGOBANK Autobank has used the afb-CMS Credit Management System solution to manage its sales and Wholesale finance processes in a fully integrated, web-based and modular system - end-to-end.
However, customer behavior has changed significantly in the meantime. The aim was therefore to create a pioneering, contemporary customer experience as well as a user-friendly application system for all parties involved in the process.
"When planning the new functions and processes, the focus was always on customer centricity. This has resulted in a solution that is geared towards the wishes of the trade and is absolutely practical in terms of day-to-day handling," explains Gregor Klopmeier, Head of AUTOBANK and Retail Finance.
You can find out how the modernization has created a solution with an optimized user experience that has significantly accelerated the conclusion of contracts in the latest case study.