Technical article in FLF: New approaches to system architecture

Monolithic versus modular design

From practice for practice: Our colleagues Martin Feith and Martin Fröstl give tips from their many years of experience.

For decades, there has been a debate in the software architecture of leasing and factoring programs as to whether a monolithic or modular structure is the ideal solution for the financial services industry. New technological developments bring other aspects into an exciting technological discourse. Martin Feith, member of the Executive Board FSI of the NAVAX Group, and Martin Fröstl, Technical Head of Financial Services at the NAVAX Group, look at the current state of affairs and explain the advantages and disadvantages of the respective software architecture. They also point out that these must be carefully considered before using new financial applications.

Read the specialist article by FLF (Finanzierung Leasing Factoring) for a comparative analysis of the software solutions.

Download the technical article "New approaches to system architecture" in German

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