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afb employee team starts once again at the B2RUN company run in Munich

This run has become a firm tradition at afb.

Munich, 12 July 2016 - afb Application Services AG (afb), a leading pan-European full-service provider for financial and service providers, manufacturers and retail organizations, is once again sending a team of employees to compete in the B2RUN corporate running championship, which will take place in Munich on 14 July 2016, to promote team spirit and as part of the company's health care programme.

The B2RUN running championship takes place in twelve cities every year, with the run in Munich being the largest in the series with around 30,000 participants. Under the motto "Get off your office chair and into your sneakers", amateur runners from companies, associations and institutions are invited to take part.

At afb, this run has almost become a tradition. Employees are taking part for the fourth time in a row. The focus is on team spirit and employee motivation, but also on having fun. The run also complements afb's occupational health measures.

"We offer various opportunities to strengthen team spirit. In addition to our company outings, visits to the Oktoberfest and Christmas parties, the B2RUN is also one of them. We are delighted that the employees are enthusiastic about taking part," explains Inés Brand, Senior Human Resources at afb.

About afb Application Services AG

afb Application Services AG from Munich has been optimizing complete business processes in the lending sector of banks and leasing companies since 1995. As a full service provider, afb offers a customer and project-specific mix of process, specialist and IT consulting, projects based on the afb Credit Management Solution, application and infrastructure operation, business process management and outsourcing. The innovative solutions enable the automation of the entire lending process - from the offer to the application with fully automated credit decision and processing through to contract management. Well-known companies from the financial services sector use afb's solutions internationally and generate a significant proportion of their turnover with them.