Retail Finance

Increase your opportunities with fully integrated Retail Finance

With the Credit Management System (CMS), our customers operate their private and commercial financing and leasing business at the highest level: from application and automated decision-making to contract management and accounting.

The Retail Finance solution supports leasing and credit products (e.g. full/partial amortization leasing, three-way credit, loans with interrupted or deferred instalment payments) and supplementary services (e.g. instalment and property insurance, full-service products). A consistent, web-based solution for all system users, such as bank or branch employees, brokers, sales staff or consumers, enables efficient processes on all end devices.

Key features of Retail Finance

User-friendly, efficient, short time-to-credit

  • Any financial products
    Definition of a financing object, intuitive and efficient entry of object data or the financing object or a convenient selection from predefined catalogs;
  • Best financing calculations
    Creation of optimized leasing or loan calculations and comparisons;

  • Minimal data entry
    Entry of all required application data with plausibility checks;

  • Credit agencies
    Automated retrieval of data from credit agencies;

  • Automatic or real-time credit decisions
    Generation of automatic or manual credit decisions based on automatically calculated scoring or rating results;

  • Workflow-supported credit processing through to contract management and disbursement
    Seamless processing of credit decisions, contract activation and disbursement as well as management of the contract during its term;

Other key features of Retail Finance

Specialized for every company

  • Accessible anywhere
    The solution can be flexibly integrated into the manufacturer's or dealer's website, comparison portals or individual platforms of the service or financial service provider.
  • Closing rate is increased
    Lead generation and closing rate are optimized through the direct transfer of all customer, property and calculation data and seamless data processing.

  • Up-to-date data thanks to online availability
    All parameters for service and financial products can be entered completely online. The up-to-dateness of the interest rates and terms offered is guaranteed by the central management of the financial products.

  • In your "look & feel"
    The solution can be individually adapted to existing corporate design specifications.


Consistent system

The CMS covers the entire life cycle from the preparation of the offer to the termination of the contract in one integrated system.

Freely selectable components

The modular structure gives our customers the freedom to implement the complete solution or only selected modules.

Multi-channel sales

The system unleashes the full potential of all sales channels: be it lending in the branch, in the call center, with the intermediary, in the sales force (B2B) or in direct lending to consumers (B2C) via the company's own website, financial portals or web stores.

Any financial products for all property groups

The CMS enables private and commercial Retail Finance via all financing products (credit, leasing) for any object group (vehicle, small-ticket, equipment, cash credit, etc.).

Individual risk strategy

The CMS makes lending decisions according to the criteria and rules individually defined by the financial services provider. This ensures compliance with standardized and centralized lending guidelines and regulatory requirements at all times.

Realized solutions based on Retail Finance

Philipp Oberleitner
Managing Director & COO/CSO

Patrick Scharwenka
Chief Product Officer

Dr. Lars Rüsberg
Sales Manager

Philipp Oberleitner
Philipp Oberleitner
Managing Director & COO/CSO

Patrick Scharwenka
Patrick Scharwenka
Chief Product Officer

Dr. Lars Rüsberg
Dr. Lars Rüsberg
Sales Manager

NAVAX Software GmbH will never sell, market or disclose personal information to third parties.
Case Study

New savings bank solution for modern Retail Finance

As regional market leaders, savings banks must constantly defend their share of the consumer credit business. For Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden 's business, it was important to be able to respond more quickly to requests and process them smoothly - with seamless processes for all parties involved and many years of experience in integrating OSPlus into the existing IT landscape. Together with NAVAX, it has created a new type of solution for Retail Finance at the point of sale, which gives it a clear market advantage locally and generates attractive revenues. The application is also available to other savings banks as an out-of-the-box solution.

Read this informative field report.

To the case study
Case Study

TARGOBANK Autobank creates process efficiency with TABEA 2.0

Since its market launch in 2015, TARGOBANK Autobank has quickly established itself as a highly competitive automotive bank in a highly competitive market. Since then, it has used the CMS Credit Management System to manage sales and Wholesale finance processes in a fully integrated, web-based and modular system - end-to-end. Changing customer behavior and increasing demands on user experience also mean that systems in use in Purchasing and Retail Finance have to be constantly adapted. A modernization of the solution was also on the agenda at TARGOBANK Autobank.

Read the case study.

To the case study

Equipment Finance: investment financing at the next level with a state-of-the-art end-to-end IT solution

Investment financing is a cornerstone of competitiveness for manufacturers in many industries. With Equipment Finance from NAVAX, you can fully digitize all financing processes - for goods of any kind. The solution paves the way to Retail Finance - as an end-to-end solution that can be integrated into your existing IT landscape or via modular business services, depending on your needs.

Read this white paper to find out how you can benefit from this.

To the whitepaper
Case Study

Maximum flexibility for Honda Bank

End customers want quick credit decisions. With the Intelligent Decision Automation solution, Honda Bank has implemented a flexible framework for processing all risk-based decisions in order to be able to react faster and more effectively to changing customer and regulatory requirements in the future.

Find out how Honda Bank benefits from the solution in this case study.

To the case study
Case Study

Leading automotive bank: automation in the area of lending and leasing

No project without a business case, no investment without a sound basis for decision-making. This is why a leading automotive bank relied on the experts from NAVAX. As part of a consulting project, the specific process steps and workflows in lending and leasing were examined and evaluated with regard to optimization potential.

Read the case study of the leading automotive bank.

To the case study
Solution Paper

Expert know-how for future-proof solutions

Together with experienced consultants from NAVAX, you can ensure that your strategies and processes are geared towards future challenges. We not only deliver position papers, but also support you in the identification, direction finding and concretization of the fields of action as well as their implementation.

You can find more information on the process, methods and benefits of our consulting services in this solution paper.

To the solution paper
Case Study

Success story of abcfinance GmbH: Successful with HENRI

Our solution: HENRI for Leasing.

  • Time and cost savings through a fully integrated solution,
  • Web portal for the integration of partners and brokers,
  • Use of a single software for all core leasing processes.

Read about the challenges faced by abcfinance, the solution and the collaboration between NAVAX and abcfinance in this user report.

To the case study
Case Study

Success story with Miller Leasing: IT leasing revolutionized

"A nice confirmation of the success of our project was the fact that the annual financial statements were completed faster than ever before," said the customer.

  • First-class data quality and greater transparency with the NAVAX software platform for financial service providers,
  • Adaptation and optimization of internal processes,
  • Sophisticated process automation.

Would you like to find out more about the solution and the collaboration between Miller Leasing and NAVAX? Then read this case study.

To the case study
Case Study

Our project with Valida: 360 degree customer view

Our solution: a modern CRM.

  • Professional and future-proof customer data management with new CRM software,
  • All relevant data and KPIs at a glance
  • Professional project organization.

In our case study, you can read about the vision, requirements and successful collaboration between the Valida and NAVAX teams.

To the case study