Customers expect the widest possible range and immediate availability of products at the point of sale. The capital required for large inventories is usually realized through the instrument of purchase financing. To reduce its risk, the financial services provider uses the assignment of objects as security. The resulting processes, e.g. the management of registration certificates as title deeds or inventory checks as part of floor checks, can be made significantly more efficient through digitalization.
The Online Floor Check solution enables the digital recording and transmission of inspection orders and results as part of floor checks.
Workflow-supported platform for floor check management
You create your inspection orders digitally with detailed information, including location, inspection scope and inspection organization, and record all inspection data and results on the move. The digitizer app supports the mobile, digital recording of inspection data. Inspection results and history are stored, the formal inspection report is generated and made available to the client so that follow-up actions can be initiated if necessary. Images can be conveniently uploaded and visually documented using the Digitizer app.
Interface for collateral management
The solution can be connected to any collateral management system via a standardized interface and user interface for importing collateral and partner data and exporting the inspection result. This makes partner and collateral data available automatically.
Workflow-supported data entry and plausibility checks, taking into account the results of previous stock checks, reduce manual error rates, increase data quality and shorten processing and throughput times.
The comprehensive and objective logging of the property condition with extensive image and data material optimizes customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Process design without media breaks for mobile and stationary devices and automated data transfer to contract management systems reduce processing and throughput times and optimize further processing in subsequent processes.
Inspection and documentation processes are accelerated, simplified and automated according to the principles of safety and compliance.
A consistent service-oriented architecture and standardized interfaces facilitate integration into existing application landscapes. The connection to collateral management systems is made via a standardized interface and user interface.