The Credit Management System's underwriting module supports the processing of all loan processing and decision-making activities (back office). At the same time as the application is submitted, (creditworthiness) information and other information is obtained via an individually designed set of rules - controlled in a risk-oriented manner and only to the extent necessary. KYC, money laundering and other checks (such as sanction screenings or a transparency register comparison) are carried out to ensure regulatory compliance in the regulated lending business. Information is provided in a structured form and/or prepared graphically (such as borrower and other risk units) for further review and processing if necessary. An automated credit decision is made on the basis of the specific credit policy, possibly as a pre-vote, so that processing can focus on the risk-relevant aspects identified as "red" or "yellow". Artificial intelligence is increasingly finding its way into this process, further reducing the workload for processing. Thanks to the modularity of the solution, an existing credit decision engine can also be integrated.
Automatic KYC check of business partners including monitoring, logging and historization
All steps of a proper KYC check, from the identification of the beneficial owners, the extraction of any interlinking information to the initial check and regular monitoring against PEP and sanctions lists, are fully automated. Manual interactions are only necessary in the event of anomalies.
Automated credit decision with audit-proof audit trail
Based on internal and external data sources, the solution aggregates all the data required for the decision and makes it available via an API that can also be used externally. Based on the freely configured rule set using audit trail-capable, graphically modelable DMN and BPMN processes, the service makes a decision based on the stored credit policy in a matter of seconds. If you are only interested in this part of our middle office solution, you can also purchase the Intelligent Decision Automation solution in isolation.
Use of existing Credit Decision Engines
Thanks to a modern composite service architecture, the use of standard interface technologies and system modularity, existing credit decision engines or other services can also be integrated by the customer.
Cockpits and dashboards for ideal control of all activities
Freely configurable dashboards ensure a high level of transparency across the business and ideal distribution and control of tasks within the back office. Users are only shown the processes that are relevant to them based on certain criteria (e.g. competencies) and/or have a high priority.
Consideration of all internal and external sources of information with graphical processing of results
Information from internal sources such as credit histories, payment behavior and other assessments, credit rating information or free lines resulting from existing ERP systems (often SAP or core banking systems) are taken into account. The results are prepared in a structured manner for the credit decision.
Standard integration of credit reference agencies
Extensive integrations of national and international credit reference agencies, agencies and credit rating service providers are included. In order to work cost-efficiently, these third-party systems can be obtained in several stages. A comprehensive credit report is only obtained after a positive initial assessment. Orchestration is controlled via the integrated business process engine.
Case-specific checklists and test routines through integrated case management
Each process requires individual test steps, actions and checklists based on the combination of the financing object, the applicant constellation and other factors. The case management tool is used to generate these tailored to each application and according to individual specifications. Based on this, all parties involved are guided through the process and, if necessary, alerts are sent to inform them of any further necessary activities.
Digital checking, processing and subsequent requests for documents and evidence
The document portal enables the checking and, if necessary, correction and adjustment of submitted documents in digital form. Any subsequent requests can be automatically communicated directly to the customer within definable deadlines and handled via the system. Intelligent document processing and AI-supported data models (machine learning) can also be used to extract content from documents and subject documents to an automated review. The Intelligent Document Processing module can also be integrated into your existing ERP system as a stand-alone service.
Output management
All forms and contracts, separate invoices or other documents are automatically created in the customer-specific corporate design and - if in use - made available to the customer via the communication portal. An eSigning with Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) can be used to avoid sending and signing on paper and subsequent scanning.
The CMS covers the entire life cycle from the preparation of the offer to the termination of the contract in one integrated system.
The modular structure gives our customers the freedom to implement the complete solution or only selected modules.
The system unleashes the full potential of all sales channels: be it lending in the branch, in the call center, with the intermediary, in the sales force (B2B) or in direct lending to consumers (B2C) via the company's own website, financial portals or web stores.
The CMS enables private and commercial sales financing via all financing products (credit, leasing) for any object group (vehicle, small ticket, equipment, cash credit, etc.).
The CMS makes lending decisions according to the criteria and rules individually defined by the financial services provider. This ensures compliance with standardized and centralized lending guidelines and regulatory requirements at all times.