Intelligent Document Processing

End-to-end digitization of document-based business processes with an early scan approach

The vision of a paperless office is increasingly becoming a reality in many areas of business, and the number of digital document management offerings is growing accordingly. However, many solutions do not offer the convenience and functional depth required for document management in complex processes - such as lending, which must comply with regulatory requirements.

As a result, users are quickly confronted with manual processes again - digital consistency is lost (Straight Through Processing [STP]). The solution differs from other providers as it enables the sophisticated early scan approach with user experience. This not only applies to the customer side (front office), but the USP lies in the maximum support for loan processing and decision-making (Middle office), where additional requirements may lead to subsequent requests for documents from the customer.

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Key features of Intelligent Document Processing | Upload Portal

Convenient upload and categorization of documents

  • Upload digital documents
    Documents can be uploaded using drag & drop via an integrated web upload. The quality of the document is already checked and enriched with corresponding structural data (type, upload channel, version).
  • Upload analogue documents via the Digitizer app
    Paper documents can be digitized intuitively and efficiently via the Digitizer app, which is available for iOS and Android. Integrated image processing methods ensure the highest possible level of quality when scanning the documents so that they can be read, extracted and further processed.

  • Categorization of documents
    As it is important for the subsequent examination of the documents and their subsequent transfer to a document archive that they have already been correctly categorized in advance, the document portal offers the option of categorizing the documents in advance. Optionally, automated categorization can also be carried out using OCR and NLP processes.

  • Container set-up
    The documents to be provided by the customer or merchant are specified via a configuration made by the financial services provider. This makes it clear for each process which documents must be submitted. Alternatively, these containers can be generated dynamically via the connection to a decision engine provided by us or externally.

Key features of Intelligent Document Processing | Portal for document verification

Simplify your document management

  • Search for files/documents/containers
    The system enables financial service providers to search for files or individual documents using an integrated search function. In this way, overdue transactions or outstanding activities can also be identified.
  • Checking documents
    On the one hand, the customer can see very transparently which documents he has made available, while on the other hand the financial services provider uses the portal - with extended views, functionalities and rights - to check and approve the documents received in an audit-proof manner - also in a n-eye principle with logging of all votes and individual decisions.

  • Automatic document checking
    By using OCR, NLP and machine learning algorithms, the metadata can be extracted from the documents to be checked and compared with the expected values recorded via the ERP system. This means that the clerk only has to intervene in the event of discrepancies and process the case manually.

  • Subsequent processing option
    As documents are not always in the correct order, they can be split into individual pages, moved, rotated or removed with a single click. Any subsequent requests for documents from the sales partner and/or customer can also be initiated and tracked.

  • Configurability of the workflow
    The necessary information on which documents must be provided by the customer or agent as part of the process (standard document types as well as special documents, e.g. due to conditions from the credit decision) is provided via configuration or an interface.

  • Transfer to archive system
    As soon as all documents have been fully checked -and further process steps, such as disbursements, have been initiated-they can be automatically transferred to an existing archiving system via an interface.



Extension of legacy systems with innovative functionality

Our module can be easily integrated into external portals, merchant systems or financial service provider systems and provides innovative technology and functionality without the need to replace or extensively customize the underlying system.


Our solutions are integrated via so-called snippets, which can be integrated at any point in the external systems as required. This provides the best possible support for every customer journey.


Transforming the late-scan process into an early-scan process leads to significantly shorter throughput times and more flexibility in the recording, storage and communication of time-critical information.

Cost savings

A reduced error rate, no need to send documents by post or scan them centrally and greater efficiency thanks to a higher degree of automation lead to lower costs.

Security in data storage and transmission

Extraction, analysis, transmission and processing of data are carried out in accordance with the principles of regularity and security. You receive the data via certified transmission channels and not by email or WhatsApp.

Connection to archive systems

The solution has standard APIs for standard DMS/ECM solutions such as d.3, doxis or Saperion.

Supplementary solutions or add-on features in the Intelligent Document Processing environment

Philipp Oberleitner
Managing Director & COO/CSO

Dr. Lars Rüsberg
Sales Manager

Patrick Scharwenka
Chief Product Officer

Philipp Oberleitner
Philipp Oberleitner
Managing Director & COO/CSO

Dr. Lars Rüsberg
Dr. Lars Rüsberg
Sales Manager

Patrick Scharwenka
Patrick Scharwenka
Chief Product Officer

NAVAX Software GmbH will never sell, market or disclose personal information to third parties.
Case Study

Maximum flexibility for Honda Bank

End customers want quick credit decisions. With the Intelligent Decision Automation solution, Honda Bank has implemented a flexible framework for processing all risk-based decisions in order to be able to react faster and more effectively to changing customer and regulatory requirements in the future.

Find out how Honda Bank benefits from the solution in this case study.

To the case study
White Paper

Equipment Finance: investment financing at the next level with a state-of-the-art end-to-end IT solution

Investment financing is a cornerstone of competitiveness for manufacturers in many industries. With Equipment Finance from NAVAX, you can fully digitize all financing processes. And this for all types of goods. The solution paves the way to Retail Finance - as an end-to-end solution that can be integrated into your existing IT landscape or via modular business services, depending on your needs.

Read this white paper to find out how you can benefit from this.

To the white paper
Case Study

TARGOBANK Autobank creates process efficiency with TABEA 2.0

Since its market launch in 2015, TARGOBANK Autobank has quickly established itself as a highly competitive automotive bank in a highly competitive market. Since then, it has used the CMS Credit Management System to manage sales and Wholesale finance processes in a fully integrated, web-based and modular system - end-to-end. Changing customer behavior and increasing demands on user experience also mean that systems in use in Purchasing and Retail Finance have to be constantly adapted. A modernization of the solution was also on the agenda at TARGOBANK Autobank.

Read the case study.

To the case study
Case Study

Success story of abcfinance GmbH: Successful with HENRI

Our solution: HENRI for Leasing.

  • Time and cost savings through a fully integrated solution,
  • Web portal for the integration of partners and brokers,
  • Use of a single software for all core leasing processes.

Read about the challenges faced by abcfinance, the solution and the collaboration between NAVAX and abcfinance in this user report.

To the case study
Case Study

New savings bank solution for modern Retail Finance

As regional market leaders, savings banks must constantly defend their share of the consumer credit business. For Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden 's business, it was important to respond more quickly to requests and process them smoothly, with seamless processes for all parties involved and many years of experience in integrating OSPlus into the existing IT landscape. Together with NAVAX Software, it has created a new type of solution for Retail Finance at the point of sale that gives it a clear market advantage locally and generates attractive revenues. The application is also available to other savings banks as an out-of-the-box solution.

Read this informative field report.

To the case study
Case Study

Building society savings: Process analysis in preparation for a system introduction

Securing the future in terms of competitiveness requires efficient, modern processes and optimal system support. The consultants from NAVAX Software analyzed and optimized the business processes of an international building society for greater user-friendliness, efficiency and compliance.

To the case study
Solution Paper

Expert know-how for future-proof solutions

Together with experienced consultants from NAVAX Software, you can ensure that your strategies and processes are geared towards future challenges. We not only deliver position papers, but also support you in the identification, direction finding and concretization of the fields of action as well as their implementation.

You can find more information on the process, methods and benefits of our consulting services in this solution paper.

To the solution paper
Publication in FLF

New approaches to system architecture

From practice for practice: Finding the right solution architecture thanks to many years of experience.

In the magazine "Finanzierung Leasing Factoring" (FLF), Martin Feith and Martin Fröstl comment on the decades-old "dispute" as to whether the system architecture of financing solutions for leasing, credit or factoring should be monolithic or modular. They compare the advantages and disadvantages from their daily practice and show how the circle can be successfully squared.

You can find more details in the publication. Experience counts.

To the publication
Case Study

Success story with Miller Leasing: IT leasing revolutionized

"A nice confirmation of the success of our project was the fact that the annual financial statements were completed faster than ever before," said the customer.

  • First-class data quality and greater transparency with the NAVAX software platform for financial service providers,
  • Adaptation and optimization of internal processes,
  • Sophisticated process automation.

Would you like to find out more about the solution and the collaboration between Miller Leasing and NAVAX? Then read this case study.

To the case study
Case Study

Our project with Valida: 360 degree customer view

Our solution: a modern CRM.

  • Professional and future-proof customer data management with new CRM software,
  • All relevant data and KPIs at a glance
  • Professional project organization.

In our case study, you can read about the vision, requirements and successful collaboration between the Valida and NAVAX teams.

To the case study