Factoring Customer Portal

The individual cockpit for your factoring clients

To improve communication with your factoring clients, you can use our fully integrated client portal, which you can make available to your factoring clients as a white label solution. The direct integration of the customer into the factoring process eliminates the need for resource-intensive inquiries by phone or email. In addition, a dashboard gives them a real-time view of selected performance figures and provides them with the right information exactly when they need it. Key issues of the factoring process, such as the submission of documents in individual or collective procedures, the application for limit increases, the overview of all debtors and import logs, can be initiated or viewed by the customer independently.

Key features of the Factoring Customer Portal

Offer your customers optimum self-service options

  • Import and automated extraction of invoices
    Our solution allows factoring clients to conveniently upload individual invoices or several invoices in bulk. The invoice data is automatically extracted using our machine learning engine and flows directly into subsequent processing. This minimizes the effort for the customer and also optimizes data quality.

  • Import status
    An import status is generated for each imported invoice, which can also be transparently tracked for past invoices. The customer can also view any import logs and possible error logs.

  • Dashboard
    Your customers benefit from a clear cockpit that contains all the key information and is based on the data from the factoring contract management solution. The information displayed can be individually adapted to the customer's wishes.

  • Limit utilization and increase
    The factoring customer can see the utilization of the purchase limit granted to him in real time and thus immediately deduce whether further invoices can be purchased automatically. If the limit is no longer sufficient or needs to be adjusted, the customer can also request this directly via the customer portal.

  • Overview of non-purchases
    In order to be able to transparently understand the reasons that led to a non-purchase, the factoring customer also has a function for this purpose.

  • Accounts receivable overview
    The factoring client can obtain further details via the accounts receivable and voucher overview. Many of the typical customer inquiries can be answered using this self-service, thus relieving your back-office capacities.

Modular, independent solutions with the Factoring Customer Portal

Philipp Oberleitner
Managing Director & COO/CSO

Enrico Moritz
Head of Business Development
+49 89 78 000-200
Bernardo Almenar
Head of Account Management
+ 49 89 78 000-200
Philipp Oberleitner
Philipp Oberleitner
Managing Director & COO/CSO

Enrico Moritz
Enrico Moritz
Head of Business Development
+49 89 78 000-200
Bernardo Almenar
Bernardo Almenar
Head of Account Management
+ 49 89 78 000-200
NAVAX Software GmbH will never sell, market or disclose personal information to third parties.
Case Study

Maximum flexibility for Honda Bank

End customers want quick credit decisions. With the Intelligent Decision Automation solution, Honda Bank has implemented a flexible framework for processing all risk-based decisions in order to be able to react faster and more effectively to changing customer and regulatory requirements in the future.

Find out how Honda Bank benefits from the solution in this case study.

To the case study
Case Study

TARGOBANK Autobank creates process efficiency with TABEA 2.0

Since its market launch in 2015, TARGOBANK Autobank has quickly established itself as a highly competitive automotive bank in a highly competitive market. Since then, it has used the CMS Credit Management System to manage sales and purchase financing processes in a fully integrated, web-based and modular system - end-to-end. Changes in customer behavior and increasing demands on user experience also mean that the systems in use in sales and purchase financing have to be constantly adapted. A modernization of the solution was also on the agenda at TARGOBANK Autobank.

Read the case study.

To the case study
Case Study

New savings bank solution for modern sales financing

As regional market leaders, savings banks must constantly defend their share of the consumer credit business. For Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden 's business, it was important to be able to respond more quickly to requests and process them smoothly - with seamless processes for all parties involved and many years of experience in integrating OSPlus into the existing IT landscape. Together with NAVAX, it has created an innovative solution for sales financing at the point of sale that gives it a clear market advantage locally and generates attractive revenues. The application is also available to other savings banks as an out-of-the-box solution.

Read this informative field report.

To the case study

Equipment Finance: investment financing at the next level with a state-of-the-art end-to-end IT solution

Investment financing is a cornerstone of competitiveness for manufacturers in many industries. With Equipment Finance from NAVAX, you can fully digitize all financing processes - for goods of any kind. The solution paves the way to sales financing - as an end-to-end solution that can be integrated into your existing IT landscape or via modular business services, depending on your needs.

Read this white paper to find out how you can benefit from this.

To the whitepaper
Case Study

Success story of abcfinance GmbH: Successful with HENRI

Our solution: HENRI for Leasing.

  • Time and cost savings through a fully integrated solution,
  • Web portal for the integration of partners and brokers,
  • Use of a single software for all core leasing processes.

Read about the challenges faced by abcfinance, the solution and the collaboration between NAVAX and abcfinance in this user report.

To the case study
Solution Paper

Expert know-how for future-proof solutions

Together with experienced consultants from NAVAX, you can ensure that your strategies and processes are geared towards future challenges. We not only deliver position papers, but also support you in the identification, direction finding and concretization of the fields of action as well as their implementation.

You can find more information on the process, methods and benefits of our consulting services in this solution paper.

To the solution paper
Case Study

Erfolgsstory mit Miller Leasing: IT-Leasing revolutioniert

"Eine schöne Bestätigung für den Erfolg unseres Projektes war die Tatsache, dass der Jahresabschluss so schnell wie noch nie fertiggestellt war," meinte der Kunde.

  • Erstklassige Datenqualität und mehr Transparenz mit der NAVAX Software-Plattform für Finanzdienstleister,
  • Anpassung und Optimierung interner Prozesse,
  • Durchdachte Prozessautomatisierungen.

Sie wollen mehr über die Lösung und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Miller Leasing und NAVAX erfahren? Dann lesen Sie diesen Anwenderbericht.

Zur Case Study
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Unser Projekt mit Valida: 360 Grad Kundensicht

Unsere Lösung: ein modernes CRM.

  • Professionelles und zukunftssicheres Kundendaten-Management mit neuer CRM-Software,
  • Alle relevanten Daten und KPI auf einen Blick
  • Professionelle Projektorganisation.

In unserer Case Study lesen Sie über die Vision, Anforderungen und die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit der Teams von Valida und NAVAX.

Zur Case Study